Procedure For Registration
It is compulsory that all admitted candidates be registered with;
- The Registry Office
- Their respective department
- The students’ Affair office and
- The School Library
Details and comprehensive registration procedure would always be made available to the beginning of every academic session. No student shall be permitted to attend lectures or examinations in any session until fully registered in the College.
Late registration
Normally a time-limit is to be given within which all registration is to have been completed. However, late registration may be considered in exceptional cases after payment of a stipulated fee.
Suspension of Registration
A candidate may, on the provision of convincing reason, be allowed to suspend his/her registration for an academic in the first instance on the recommendation of the appropriate head of department.
A student would need to suspend his/her registration as a result of pregnancy, prolong sickness, inability to pay school fees, Failure of certain paper (s) in final External or Internal examinations, suspension due to misconduct, etc. whatever is the reason (s) a course suspension form must be obtained from the College Registry on payment of appropriate fee. The form must be returned after completion before leaving the school.
Any student who fails to comply with this regulation may be asked to reapply for admission in order to put his/her records straight. The maximum period allowed for suspension shall normally be one academic session.
Reactivation of Suspended Registration
When a student who suspends his/her registration is resuming back to school he/she must obtain and complete resuming back to school he/she must obtain and complete course reactivation form at the registry before commencing classes on the payment of the appropriate fee. The college provost shall consider all consider all reactivation of suspension registration request.
Renewal of Registration
Each candidate shall register at the commencement of each session until the completion of the certificate or diploma programme.
Lapsed Registration
A registration shall be deemed to have lapsed if:
- The affected student falls to renew his or her registration in any one session,
- The affected student fails to present him of herself for Examination at the expiration of the approved maximum period of study without acceptable reasons,
- The affected student has been unable to complete the approved duration for the programme.
Concurrent registration for Two Programme
No student shall be allowed to concurrently register for two programmes in the college. Any student found to have violated this aspect of the registration would forfeit both registrations.